SCP-087 - The research report

Research Log - SCP-087 Exploration (Second Test)

Date: 08/29/2003

Research Team: Dr. Emily Anderson, Researcher Mark Stevens, Security Officer Johnson

Objective: To conduct a second exploration of SCP-087 and gather additional data on the anomaly and its associated entity, SCP-087-1.

[Begin Log]

Dr. Anderson: Following our previous encounter with SCP-087-1, we are embarking on a second expedition to further understand its behavior and characteristics. Our goal is to gather more comprehensive data and assess potential containment measures.

Researcher Stevens: We have made some adjustments based on our previous experience. Our lighting equipment has been enhanced, and we have implemented additional communication protocols to ensure efficient coordination.

Security Officer Johnson: Rest assured, we are well-prepared and ready for any challenges that may arise. Safety remains our top priority.

Dr. Anderson: Let's proceed cautiously and document any significant observations or encounters. Remember to stay alert and follow established protocols.

[The team begins their descent into SCP-087, fully equipped with improved lighting and communication devices.]

Researcher Stevens: The atmosphere feels even more oppressive than before. The air is thick and the sound of footsteps is already audible.

Dr. Anderson: Document any changes in the environment and note the distance covered as accurately as possible.

[As they descend, the team reaches a depth of approximately 150 flights of stairs.]

Security Officer Johnson: I'm hearing a faint crying sound. It's similar to what we encountered during our previous exploration.

Dr. Anderson: Acknowledged. Let's proceed with caution and maintain constant communication.

[The team continues their descent, the crying sound growing louder and more distressing.]

Researcher Stevens: The ambient lighting is starting to flicker intermittently. It's becoming increasingly difficult to see ahead.

Dr. Anderson: Stay alert and rely on your supplementary lighting equipment. Document any anomalous phenomena observed.

[The team arrives at a landing with a doorway leading to a narrow corridor.]

Dr. Anderson: This area matches our previous encounter. Be prepared for the presence of SCP-087-1.

[As they enter the corridor, SCP-087-1 is observed standing at the end.]

Security Officer Johnson: SCP-087-1 is stationary, but its presence is unsettling. Maintaining visual contact.

Dr. Anderson: Observe its behavior and any changes in its appearance or movement. Document everything.

[SCP-087-1 begins to move toward the team, prompting them to retreat.]

Security Officer Johnson: We need to retreat immediately! It's pursuing us!

[The team rapidly ascends the stairs, closely pursued by SCP-087-1.]

Dr. Anderson: Maintain a steady pace and ensure visual contact. Safety is paramount.

[The team reaches a higher landing and barricades the doorway behind them.]

Dr. Anderson: We have successfully evaded SCP-087-1 once again. Its persistence and aggression are notable characteristics.

Researcher Stevens: Our findings indicate that SCP-087-1's behavior is consistent across multiple encounters. Additional analysis is necessary to develop effective containment measures.

[End Log]

Note: Further exploration of SCP-087 has been temporarily suspended due to the aggressive behavior exhibited by SCP-087-1. Additional research and analysis are required to develop appropriate containment measures and ensure the safety of personnel involved.

Finish the report